Home Business Insurance World NIWA Unveils Insurance Scheme For Boat Passengers
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NIWA Unveils Insurance Scheme For Boat Passengers


The National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) has announced the introduction of Insurance Scheme for Boat passengers using the waterways in Nigeria.

This was disclosed by the Head of Marine, NIWA Lagos office, Engr Elsie Egwuatu, during a training organised for boat operators by the Waterfront Boat Owners and Transporters Association of Nigeria (WABOTAN), that the policy will ensure in the event of any boat mishaps, the families of the affected passengers would be paid compensation by the insurance companies.

According to her Passengers of the boats would now be insured. If there are casualties or God forbid, Death, the insurance company would pay compensation to the bereaved families affected”

“We are going to hold a stakeholders session after putting all the modalities in place, in order to enlighten you all on how it would be done.”


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